
泰國 曼谷國際家飾禮品展

Style Bangkok - Asia's Most Stylish Fair


Style Bangkok Fair 由泰國國際商業推廣部(DITP)所舉辦,每年春秋兩季在曼谷國際貿易展覽中心(BITEC)舉行,至今已邁入第23年。2017年起,DITP將Bangkok International Gift Fair與Bangkok International Housewares Fair (BIG+BIH)結合了曼谷國際時尚與皮革展(BIFF&BIL)、泰國國際家具展(TIFF) 等三展合併推出Style Bangkok Fair。2017年展會吸引了超過700家海內外廠商共2,000個攤位參與展出,五天的展會共有52,000名買家進場採購,創造了超過36億泰銖的銷售額。此展為東南亞最具指標性的文創設計展會,絕對是文創相關廠商進入泰國市場的最佳選擇。






展覽會名稱 泰國 曼谷國際家飾禮品展
日期 ~ 2025-04-06
地點 Bangkok International Trade and Exhibition Centre (BITEC) , Hall 98 - 105
週期 每年兩檔
展館面積 47,000平方公尺,約2000個攤位數
主辦機構 Department of International Trade Promotion, Ministry of Commerce. Office of Lifestyle Trade Promotion
參展商數量 約700家
參展商來源 服飾、首飾、精品、包包、皮革製品、禮品、家居用品、家具和裝飾用品等相關業者
參觀者簡介 包括貿易商、進口商,以及百貨商場、飯店、餐廳、spa、咖啡館、麵包店、禮品店、家具店和零售店等
參觀人數 52,000名
產品種類 設計傢俱、時尚配件、設計禮品、床墊枕頭、家居裝飾品、家用紡織品、服飾配件、包包與行李箱、文具與辦公用品、遊戲與玩具、廚房與衛浴用品


展館地址: 88 Bangna-Trad Road (km.1), Bangna Tai, Bangna, Bangkok 10260, Thailand
展館電話: +(66 2) 726 1999
展館傳真: +(66 2) 726 1947
展館Email: pr@bhirajburi.co.th

Transportation Guide

The centre is accessible via 3 entrances : 1st and 2nd are along
Bangna-Trad Road (km.1) and the 3rd entrance is along “Sukhumvit Road via expressway.

By BTS (Skytrain)

Bang Na Station (Exit 1) A shutter service that transports passengers from the Sukhumvit road entrance to exhibition halls is also available for all events held at BITEC.

By Car

15 minutes drive from the Suvarnabhumi International airportDirectly linked by the expressway to Centre Business District (10 km.)Links the Outer Ring Road to extended every other part of Bangkok to avoid traffic jam in rush hours, which away from BITEC 7 km.

By Bus

Entrance 1 and 2 can be reached by bus: Number 38, 46, 46A, 48, 132, 133, 139, 180, 552, 552A which arrived along Bangna-Trad Road (km.1) Entrance 3 can be reached by bus: number 2, 23, 45, 102, 116, 142, 507, 508, 511, 513, 536, 544, 552A which arrived along Sukumvit Road.


For your convenience and comfort, Taxi service will be available for your pre-bookings at Business Centre. The Taxi stand is also available by drop off area in front of EH 103.




