

NY NOW(Winter)

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  • 歷史最悠久,紐約規模最大的商貿盛會

紐約國際禮品展(原名為:NYIGF)1928年首次開展以來,已有超過90年的歷史,是紐約地區規模最大的年度商貿盛會。主辦機構Emerald Expositions為創造一個更優良的展覽平台,整合了各項資源且重新定位後,於2013年將展會名稱改為NY NOW,融入更多家用品的元素,成功於市場上大放異彩。

NY NOW 已經成為全球商貿界的年度盛事,與法蘭克福Ambiente、巴黎Maison & Objet為並駕齊驅的當代盛會。若想要拓展美洲高端市場,NY NOW是您絕對不能錯過的一場盛會。


  • 美國龍頭主辦單位,奠定展會專業性

展會主辦單位EMERALD EXPOSITIONS 在發展過程中,超過10次的併購及整合,成功整合了美國重要買家資料,在專業的買家邀請與管理上更加到位與出色,現今已成為美國最大的B2B商展及國際會議主辦機構。每年皆舉辦近百場專業展覽及會議,媒合了數十萬名的買家與供應商,創造了可觀的商機。


  • 高質量市場數據



展覽會名稱 紐約禮品家用品展
日期 ~ 2024-02-07
地點 Jacob K. Javits Convention Center
週期 每年兩檔
展館面積 46,500平方米
主辦機構 Emerald X
參展商數量 2,300家
參展商來源 來自美國、加拿大、丹麥、波蘭、莫斯科、俄羅斯、英國、德國、法國、義大利、澳大利亞、墨西哥、韓國、日本、台灣等70多個國家
參觀者簡介 來自美國、加拿大、日本、英國、墨西哥、澳大利亞、哥倫比亞、印度、韓國、巴西、德國、巴拿馬、中國、多明尼加、智利等84個國家地區
參觀人數 超過27,000名
產品種類 禮品區:設計禮贈品、節日用品、文具用品、電子禮品、首飾配件、手工藝品、美容用品、個人用品、玩具等 / 家用品區:設計產品、家居用品、家飾品、廚房用品、餐桌用品、燈飾、衛浴用品、陶瓷及其他家庭相關用品等


展館地址: 655 West 34th Street New York, NY 10001
展館電話: (212) 216-2000
展館傳真: (212) 216-2588
展館Email: moreinfo@javitscenter.com

Taxi From Airport

The New York metropolitan area is serviced by three major airports: JFK International, Newark International and LaGuardia Airport.

Travel time by taxi from the airports to midtown Manhattan varies by airport. Travel time from LaGuardia to midtown can take anywhere from 25-40 minutes. JFK can take anywhere from 45 minutes to over an hour and Newark 40 to 60 minutes.

JFK International Airport:

To and from JFK and any location in Manhattan is a flat fare of $52 (tolls, surcharges of $0.50, $0.30 and tip are extra). To and from JFK and other locations will be charged as metered fares.

Newark International Airport:

The fare is metered and ranges from $50-$75 (tolls, $17.50 Newark surcharge and tip are extra). During weekday rush hours (6–9am and 4–7pm) and on weekends (Saturday–Sunday, 12pm–8pm), there is a $5 surcharge for travel to anywhere in New York State except Staten Island.

LaGuardia Airport:

The fare is metered and can be anywhere from $29-$37 (tolls, surcharges and tip are extra).


By Truck

Please note that our marshaling yard is on 33rd Street between 11th and 12th Avenues. Trucks higher than 12 ft. 6 in. will not clear tunnels. They must use a bridge. Ask the height of the trucks to be certain. Also remember that no trucks are allowed on parkways.

From North

95 South (via the Cross Bronx-Expressway): Exit at Amsterdam Avenue and cross the University Avenue Bridge to 181st Street. Turn left onto Broadway (see Street Directions below).

87 South (via the Major Deegan Expressway): Exit at 155th Street/Macombs Dam Bridge. Continue west on 155th Street to Broadway where you turn left (see Street Directions below).

Triborough Bridge: To Manhattan. Exit at 125th Street. Go west to Broadway and turn left (see Street Directions below).

Street Directions: Continue on Broadway to the intersection of Broadway, West 65th Street and Columbus Avenue. Bear right onto Columbus. This becomes 9th Avenue at 59th Street. Stay on 9th Avenue to 34th Street. Turn right onto 34th Street to 12th Avenue, turn right. At 39th Street, turn right.

12′ 6″ and under: From Long Island Route 495 (Long Island Expressway): To Queens Midtown Tunnel. Take southbound or downtown exit to 34th Street and turn right. Go west to 12th Avenue and turn right. At 39th Street turn right.

From Staten Island and Brooklyn: From the Verrazanno Narrows Bridge, take the Gowanus Expressway to the Brooklyn Battery Tunnel. Follow westbound signs to 12th Avenue. At 39th Street turn right.

Over 12′ 6″: Manhattan Bridge: Follow westbound signs to 12th Avenue. Continue on 12th Avenue until 39th Street. Turn right.

New Jersey Approach: See directions from George Washington Bridge.



Runs east/west on 34th Street. Stops on 11th Avenue outside the Javits Center and at Penn Station.

Runs east/west on 42nd street. Stops directly outside the Javits Center and at Grand Central Station.

Port Authority:
New Jersey Transit and other buses arrive at the Port Authority terminal at 42nd Street between 8th and 9th Avenues. The M42 will bring you from there to the Javits Center.




